Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Kansas City Royals - Part One & The Field of Dreams

We were supposed to go to see Kansas City Royals on April 1.  Mother Nature sure pulled the worst April Fool's Day joke.  When we got to the stadium from the airport, we discovered that the game was canceled because of weather.  It was 35 degrees and sleeting.  (Same temperature in Detroit and they still played, but then, we're pretty tough here in Michigan.  Just saying....)

Our car doors were frozen shut.  At one point, Lee had to get off at the exit and I rubbed the windshield wipers
with hand sanitizer to keep them from freezing.
I cannot express adequately how truly bummed we were.  This was supposed to be the conclusion of eight years of trekking across the country.  And now we had to come back!  On top of that, we had a 13 hour drive back to Detroit.

Our plan all along had been to end the journey at the Field of Dreams.  We talked about whether to still stop or to reschedule that, too.  In the end, we decided to salvage that part of the trip, so we drove to Iowa to stay the night.

Dad, want to have a catch?

The Field of Dreams truly is in the middle of nowhere.  It's free to go on the field, which was frozen solid that day.  Lee and Owen brought their mitts with them and had a catch.  It was really sweet.  It was FREEZING cold that day, so we walked around a little, bought some items from the incredibly nice lady at the gift shop, and hopped back in the car for the rest of the long drive home.

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