Saturday, October 14, 2017

Philadelphia Phillies - August 14, 2016

I wish I could go back for another Phillies game.  I loved the Phillies ball park and they had phenomenal vegetarian offerings. Unfortunately, I was experiencing some digestive issues, so I couldn't enjoy any of the delicious veggie food.

We had incredible seats for the Phillies game. Unfortunately, it was 96 degrees, so I asked Lee to trade our box seats in for seats in the back of the lower section under the overhang so we could get some shade. We spent a good chunk of the game buying and eating cherry water ice.

Rita's Cherry Water Ice was a godsend on such a hot day.

Do you see how rosy our cheeks are? That's 96 degrees (and some photo bombing from the kids behind us).

Philly also brought crab fries into our lives. Yum! Crab fries have no crab in them. They were deliciously crispy crinkle fries sprinkled with Old Bay (or something that tastes a lot like it). We went back for seconds.

The heat took its toll on the kiddos.

We had to leave in the 8th inning to catch our flight back to Detroit. I vowed never to have our timing so tight again, no matter how many times Lee calculates how much time we'll need.

Loved Philly!  I'd go back in a heartbeat. Let's just avoid the dog days of August next time.

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