Sunday, August 30, 2015

Los Angeles Dodgers - August 16, 2015

Despite the absolutely gorgeous views from the stadium and the incredibly friendly and helpful Dodgers employees, the Dodgers now holds the title of my least favorite stadium.

The Dodgers have an awful caste system in their stadium.  Unlike most stadiums, which allow you to enter in any gate, watch batting practice and then proceed to your seat in the nosebleed section, Dodgers stadium only allows you to enter in the level in which you have a ticket.  That meant walking up a LOT of steps, three terraces up, so that we could get to our upper deck tickets.

But it gets stranger.  Once you are in your area, you have to STAY in that area.  There are no ramps, escalators or steps to take you to another section.  (Okay, technically there are stairs and an elevator, but they are monitored by Dodgers staff to make sure you don't go hang with the rich folks.)  This even applies if you want to buy food outside your section.  There may have been some interesting food on various other levels, but we never got to try it.  It was so classist that I was truly shocked.

The day we saw the game it was HOT.  Excessive heat warning hot.  Our seats were right in the sun and we forgot to bring our hats, leading me to drop $25 on the cheapest kids hat for Owen.  Thankfully, the giveaway that day was a spray fan.  They pick these giveaways months in advance, but it couldn't have come at a better time.

The seats in the upper deck are completely squished together.  They are really close.  That may have been okay on a 70 degree day, but when it's 93, you don't want to sit that close.  Lee and I traded off sitting in the seat behind ours so that we didn't stick together.

Do you see how pink Aliyah's face is in this picture?  Let's just say that Aliyah is not at her best in the heat.  She apologized many times the following day for being so obnoxious.  For the record, we've seen much worse.

The kids and Lee did get to try a Dodger dog.  The vote - three thumbs down.  It was too sweet for my salt lovers.  They went back and tried a Brooklyn dog, which got raves.  New York, represent!

Mostly, we didn't eat.  We just kept getting water and things like these snow cones.  When it's that hot, we're just not that hungry.  We more than made up for it when we got back to our hotel and ordered dinner from a local pizza place. 

Disappointing policies, LA Dodgers, but your staff is top notch.  Everyone we met was super friendly and welcoming and helpful.  They even directed us to the best place to take a picture.  I don't think we'll be back, but tell your staff kudos!

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