Friday, March 6, 2015

Houston Astros - April 3, 2013

O, Houston Astros, what an awful, awful stadium you have.  The Astros stadium was right there with the White Sox stadium in being neglected, abandoned and dirty.  There were two bright spots to this game.  We got to see it with the Clevelands and the trip brought us close enough to visit Susan.

Most of the concession stands were closed and the ones that were open just figured generic ball park fare.  Even their generic food was pretty bad.  The stadium was dark and empty.  I'm not sure if a stadium's vibe can infect an entire team, but if it's possible, it explains why the Astros were in such a slump.

The train in the outfield was pretty cool, but that may be the only thing that Tropicana Field had going for it.  Well, that and the giant balls.

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