Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cleveland Indians - April 30, 2010

Although we have been to many Tigers games, our official baseball tour began with the Cleveland Indians game on April 30, 2014.  The tickets were a Chanukah gift from my mom and dad.  It was such a wonderful surprise!

  • Every employee in Cleveland was incredibly warm and friendly. We felt welcomed from the first moment we stepped in the door.
  • Cleveland was the first stadium that we saw with veggie dogs and gluten-free buns.  
  • We won a bottle of Stadium Mustard in a giveaway game on the concourse.
  • There was a really cool play area for kids that Owen enjoyed.  On our way there, even though we were wearing Tigers shirts, an employee stopped and gave Owen free Indians baseball cards.  
  • The stadium (and the city) were super clean.  I actually joked that it looked like Cleveland was trying to compete for a Tidy Town award.
  • We also visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, where we learned that an adult's capacity to read all of the information in an exhibit does not match a child's.  The kids zipped from exhibit to exhibit and touched every button and listened to every music sample with headphones.
  • We had the most amazing meal at the Greenhouse Tavern, which is just a few doors down from Michael Symon's restaurant Lola.  The duck fat poutine was amazing!

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